Experimental Physics and Quantum Optics X-Ray

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Imaging Localized Surface Plasmons by Femtosecond to Attosecond Time-Resolved Photoelectron Emission Microscopy–“ATTO-PEEM”



The first broad and in-depth overview of current research in attosecond nanophysics, covering the field of active plasmonics via attosecond science in metals and dielectrics to novel imaging techniques with the highest spatial and temporal resolution. The authors are pioneers in the field and present here new developments and potential novel applications for ultra-fast data communication and processing, discussing the investigation of the natural timescale of electron dynamics in nanoscale solid state systems. Both an introduction for starting graduate students, as well as a look at the current state of the art in this hot and emerging field.

Attosecond Nanophysics: From Basic Science to Applications (Editors: Peter Hommelhoff and Matthias F. Kling) was published by the Wiley publishing company in January 2015 including a chapter on "Imaging Localized Surface Plasmons by Femtosecond to Attosecond Time-Resolved Photoelectron Emission Microscopy–“ATTO-PEEM”.